Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Last night as I watched the horror across the screen of my television I had this deep cut inside that was urging a response... as I lay there in my peacecful bed, I couldn't imagine what a response from someone like me could possibly look like.

The most impoverished nation of the Westeren Hemisphere was deeply affected by a 7.0 earthquake... the Haitians suffered a number of aftershocks, all equallying in damage and injuries.  Hundred of thousands are expected to be found dead... children, will be left without parents, parents will have their child die in their own arms.  This small land has suffered intense amounts of natural disasters in the past years.  With 4 hurricanes upsetting the people in 2008, they were barely on the road to recovery, when all their foundations were struck.  How can these people feel hope, when all is continuously collapsing around them?  I struggle finding hope when one small thing doesn't go as planned... what about when your life is shaken over and over--with no means of support & finances.

Over 80% of the precious people live in poverty--- that's just dollars a day.  Dollars--2, 3, 4, dollars a day.  How could I live?  A response is necessary. 

This brings me back to remembering several years back when I visited the sister country of the Dominican Republic.  Another impoverished, third world country.... I can't help but let the images of barefeet, malnourished little bellies, and dirty drinking water consume my mind.  And those were the conditions without a natural disaster. 

Do these people have hope?  They most certainly do.  How is God going to take care of these people?  Through HIS people... we must respond.  Is. 25:4. "For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress."  We must continually pray about what our response should be... can we go? Can we send others?  Can we send supplies?  Can we raise support?  What can we do?

This is an emergency.

Lord, may this be true. Luke 6:20-21. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours in the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh."

1 comment:

  1. This is a very disheartening story for anyone to hear and see, it should be more so for every Christian that may see this.
