Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Engaged... this word became new to me this time last year, as I was just that--Engaged.   However, I'm wanting to fully grasp this word.  Not just as a means of planning, anticipating, picking out flowers, colors, cakes, dresses, invitations, songs, verses, vows, and the list only goes on.  Why do we call the "pre-wedding" period, an engagement? 

According to the word means to "occupy the attention and/or efforts of", "to attract and hold fast", "to bind as by pledge or promise".  Okay, no where does it say "the fret before the big day", "the stress of perfection", "the spending of too much money"... or better yet "getting married!"  So this word must mean so much more.

To be engaged is the perfect term for marriage.  "To bind by pledge or promise".  I didn't quit being engaged just because I got married.  Really, I still "occupy my attention and efforts" towards my husband.  Granted, most people occupy the time with efforts towards one day (the wedding day)-- but what if we occupy efforts to making life joined with another human-being work... last... mean something.  I like to think that is what my man and I did and are doing.

Okay, so this blog is not about me missing being engaged... or wanting another ring... and Lord knows I do not want to do all that planning again... But, this is about being engaged in life, in our calling, in our purpose.  I feel convicted that I am not engaged enough-- that my efforts aren't geared passionately enough--that my time isn't occupied intently enough.  It's all about the glory, all about the message, all about the worship, the service, the response to all of this.  Life is beginning to feel cluttered.  An array of social strife, appearance motivation, political discord, spiritual warfare, task obsessions, and selfish desires... all stacking themselves on a shelf that is need of much organization--and dusting. 

Why would I want to ever stop being engaged to my husband?  I wouldn't.  It was such a sweet time... the anxiety and butterflies.  The re-telling of the proposal.  The flashing of the ring.  From now on, considered me married and happily engaged.

Which takes me back to the moment I was called.  Called by my Maker to be a saint of service.  I remember the feeling I have received every step of the way... the day I gave my life to Christ.  The day He called me overseas.  The day He spoke through me as children and teens cried out to Christ.  The day He showed me He was the great Counselor and that through 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, He comforted me, so that I may comfort others.  That's all. No big deal. 

Each one of those moments I was fully engaged in my love for Christ.  As I am daily reminded through my "engagement" of love for my husband... I can remember to engage myself in my love for the Creator of the Universe... and that I must "occupy the attention and efforts" of my entire being to making this love known.

That's all, no big deal.  Still engaged.  Have you seen my ring? 


  1. hey girl!!! how are you? we are blogging...i feel all old and married but I love it :)

  2. Haha.. I know, right? But it's such a cool way to hear what is going on each other's lives! And most importantly, I feel like we are honest with what God is doing in and around us. I am doing great! Loving being married... getting stressed out from time to time. But all is good! How's life with Lee? I see you guys are moving soon!! :)
