Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Take a deep breath...

It is seemingly difficult to pick up writing when I seem to accumulate enormous time spans between blogging... I am probably world's worst blogger ever.  Just know that coming into this element of my life... it is scarce, but my intentions are not-- I love sharing, but it may not happen in a consistent manner.

I have an ever-wandering mind that is provoked by thoughts, dreams, and randomness.  I sense myself having a mild case of ADD when it comes to this blog idea. (But who doesn't?)

So, where has life brought me since my prior to Easter "lent" blogging... (Lent was great by the way, though long ago). 

Married life has awesomely settled into my routine and the maintanence of a home, being a wife, a doggy mommy, and establishing solid relationships within the ministry I am ever-so blessed to be entrusted with has all become my day-to-day.  Never boring, rather exciting, new, and undoubtedly challenging as it is-- it is better than great, it is an overwhelming blessing that swells my heart to know God has placed me HERE, on PURPOSE to do really cool things.

I've got the coolest side kick and partner in ministry anyone could ever dream of having.. this man layered himself in chocolate pudding, flour, and green mashed potatoes for me on Sunday evening at our annual "SPLAT" event.  Laine Cooper is an extremely passionate special-ed teacher that wears the burdens of all those around him, he carries the hurts of his students, all while soothing the hardships they face with his patience and love... and THEN he comes to my "job" (I love that I get to call it that) and invests wholly in the students here.  He is a saint.

I have many moments in the past few months I certainly want to share....

*My pops: a life-changing event that impacted us all so dearly.... a persevering father that is a heck of an example.
                    On July 18th (the day right before my very first VBS directing debut) my dad endured a massive heart attack.  Dad was rushed to the hospital via my aunt/uncle and then ambulance to Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis where a stint was put in heart to obscure some of the blockage.  We later found out that a bypass surgery is inevitable.  The rest of that week was CRAZY... with rushing to STL to see my precious dad for a few short hours, and then back to "Egypt" to ensure that all was well with our 150+ kids that attended our VBS- we had some obstacles!   Here is where the story just blesses my heart:  July 18th would have been 30 years of marriage for my mom and dad, however, they divorced 5 years ago. It has been a wreck of a journey for the past 5 years watching my dad come out a devastating time in life--but God surely had a plan and is still working deeply in my dad's life.  On August 18th dad had a triple bypass surgery.  This day will never be forgotten as we all prayed for hours upon hours for dad's health, for the doctor's wisdom, and for a quick recovery. God answered and manifested himself in my dad's recoup- he did amazing and has made enormous progress since that day.  A great conversation with dad informed me and affirmed that God is unfolding plans for daddy--- dad said that his heart attack wasn't just caused by unhealthy diets, smoking, and diabetes--but because his heart held so much resentment for the past and bitterness towards my mother he believed he had this heart attack-- he said no person can live that way.  I do believe God is easing his pain and equipping him for a mighty work (more so than I have already seen and felt from my dad).   Way cool time, though it was scary and uncertain, God proved himself yet again in the midst of our doubts.

All this has led to this: A new-found calling... making myself marketable in the world for a great God. So, among the pleas for God to intervene in my dad's life, God did so in my own life.  As I sat in that hospital for many hours (of what at times felt like suffering due to the intense amount of "family time" being had by all, ha) God began speaking to me about preparation for what is next in life.  As many of you know I had begun a master's program in family therapy with hopes to be a counselor in a few years.  Well, well, well I do believe God has a different direction He is leading me.  God clearly gave me a vision of nursing school for my future.  I believe I am exactly where God wants me in this ministry at Trinity-- but I do know that in time, this will be no longer and I will move forward.  What better time than right now in all the flexibility our lives' are giving us to pursue a nursing degree?!  I believe God is preparing me to help physically meet needs for people so then he can further use me to spiritually provide a seed to help give others hope.  As a nurse and a teacher, Laine Cooper and I are scared to put ourselves on the line for God to send us and use us anywhere, but we are called and are going to be obedient.  So, hello nursing school soon!  (I am finishing pre-reqs in the spring to enroll in nursing in the fall of 2011!)

Praise God for his timing and provision in our lives.  Praise God for a support system of wonderful family members and a rock of a husband. Praise God for a church family that supports me, affirms me, and loves on me.  Praise God for healing. Praise God for beautiful September fall weather.  Praise God for a much needed vacation beginning SATURDAY!

Just praise God for enabling me to be a part of his perfect plan.  

Long, eh?  Well that is what happens when I forget to write for 5 months-ish.  Peace out.


  1. I am so glad to hear that your daddy is doing well. I've wondered. And prayed. And I won't stop. I've kind of fallen out of touch with the Bethalto world. So good to know that God is working through one of the most remarkable women I've ever had the honor of youth pastoring. I am proud of you, Panteen Woman. I still have a letter you wrote to me long ago, early one morning, when you were packing and counting the minutes before you went over seas on a mission trip. It is GOLD to me.

    You are loved by an old friend....

  2. I praise God for such a wonderful wife! I love you, honey!
