Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lent...not found in the dryer.

This week has been a tremendous blessing in the life of the Coopers.  We are observing Lent for the first time in our good 'ole Baptist history.  Trinity has blessed us with an amazing family, supportive friends, and challenging endeavors in our spiritual journey... Here is one:

Wednesday evening we participated in the Ash Wednesday service and my heart was truly opened and recognized with Christ what is really going on here--- We are living a life that portrays His suffering, salvation, and freedom.  He chose me, He chose you- to reveal to others what happened on the cross and then three days later. Pretty big task if I do say so myself.

So, this Lenten season we received ashes on our foreheads-- but what was that for? It's about repentence; it's about mourning the tragedy that saved my life.  I've been blessed to be studying within my counseling courses some of the aspects of grieving and how incredibly healthy this is for life.  We also are encouraged to "give something up".  Not as a punishment, or a chance to complain about one more thing, but as a sacrifice--a sacrifice that is ultimately about us drawing nearer to our Creator by engaging in quality time with Him in the absence of something we often replace Him with.

The Coopers have given up eating out.  This is quite a challenge for us fast-paced, lovers of convenience, and novice cooks.  We have actually been so blessed this week, already!! We have spent more time together, cooking and experimenting in new meals. Okay, so you may be thinking how does that bring you closer to Christ??  Well, I am reminded with every conversation with my husband of the love God has for me, because He uses Laine to show love to me more times than not.  I also feel so refreshed and encouraged to dig deeper after spending time with Laine.  It's been good and it's only been a few days!

I love learning new things and watching God transform my life and lives around me.

This week we have some BIG things happening in the lives our students.  Wednesday we are hoping to have a larger than usual crowd at our youth service! This frightens me, but reminds me that God is in control--and no, I cannot handle the crowd, but HE can and WILL.  Also, this coming weekend we are taking 6 lovely ladies to a conference in Nashville. Pray that God will instill in them leadership and passions to serve.

Anticipating and EXPECTING my God to show up and do BIG things this week...

So blessed!

This verse has spoken to me tremendously this week: "That day, when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Mark 4:35  Boy did Jesus ever go over to the other side. He went to outcasted, hurting, tragically lonesome, devastated, sick, annoying people... That's where we all should be heading.  Let's go.


  1. Amen! I am proud of you, Panteen Woman. :) I know you are an AWESOME youth leader!

  2. I miss you so much and am so happy for your new family. Michala and I are also experimenting with Lent (check out my blog for more) and we have also given up eating out. Keep us updated on your journey!
