Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This past Sunday we took the youth to see "To Save A Life"... A very powerful movie that I feel touched them in a very deep, passionate way.  We are going to begin a new study on Wednesdays, talking about how much our lives influence those around us.  How can we be more conscious of the affect we have? Of the love we are sharing, or not sharing?  What do we want our lives to be about? 

I believe God is going to do something big and great in the lives of the teenagers here.  I believe our God is big enough!  He is, completely, without a doubt.  I'm ready to see Him move.  Pray for the students-- I mean pray big, believing that God can tranform their lives, and their minds to the likeness of Christ.

Pray for the people of Haiti... I still cannot get them out of my mind, and I pray I never will.  Tonight we boxed over 2,000 health kits and I was so inspired to see people coming together to form this unity called Love.  I pray that with each wash cloth, bar of soap, tooth brush, etc-- that these people will truly feel the grace of God in their lives... the protection He covers them in... and the hope He has laid forth for them.

Pray for my sweet husband. That God will continue to reveal his plan for his master's degree & that the influence he is having on the children at Heath is life-changing.  Pray that his passion never ceases.  Pray that I can love him better everyday.

Pray for me... that I will hand over all things to my Father each morning.  That he can make all things new in my life and that I don't grow weary in serving in Him.  Pray for what I am studying, that it won't just be words on a page, but these words will transform my attitude and heart into a true servant, desiring to show love through healing counsel to others, with Christ working through me and in me in all that I do.

Just pray.  Always pray.  Never stop.  :-)  He's a good God that wants to talk, wants us to listen, wants us to depend on Him, humble ourselves before Him, desire Him, dwell in His presence, love like Him, act like Him, and just be more and more like Christ everyday.  He wants us!! We are desired by the One that created the universe! So cool.

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